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Properties of substance:



Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

colorless liquid

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


CAS No: 64-17-5

Molar/atomic mass: 46.069

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


Decomposition temperature (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane: miscible [Ref.]
acetic acid: miscible [Ref.]
ammonia liquid : miscible [Ref.]
benzene: miscible [Ref.]
chloroform: miscible [Ref.]
diethyl ether: miscible [Ref.]
ethanol: miscible [Ref.]
glycerol: miscible [Ref.]
hydrogen chloride liquid anhydrous: soluble [Ref.]
hydrogen fluoride : very soluble [Ref.]
methanol: miscible [Ref.]
oxygen liquid: 0.0022 (-195.6°C) [Ref.]
sulfuric acid: reaction [Ref.]
water: miscible [Ref.]

Multicomponent solubility (in wt%):

(layer 1): water 82.378%, ethanol 3.409%, sodium carbonate 14.213%, (layer 2): water 24.732%, ethanol 75.159%, sodium carbonate 0.109%, 20 °C [Ref.]
(layer 1): water 59.24%, ethanol 32.75%, manganese(II) sulfate 8.01%, (layer 2): water 62.37%, ethanol 15.02%, manganese(II) sulfate 22.61%, 25 °C [Ref.]
(layer 1): water 53.04%, ethanol 44.82%, potash 2.14%, (layer 2): water 70.61%, ethanol 9.28%, potash 20.11%, 25 °C [Ref.]
(layer 1): water 22.76%, ethanol 76.82%, potash 0.35%, (layer 2): water 59.82%, ethanol 1.38%, potash 38.8%, 25 °C [Ref.]
(layer 1): water 12.73%, ethanol 87.17%, potash 0.2%, (layer 2): water 50.16%, ethanol 0.34%, potash 49.5%, 25 °C [Ref.]

Properties of solutions:

1% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.99636 (20°)
5% (wt.), solvent - water
  Flash point (°C) = 61.
10% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.98187 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 50.
  Freezing point (°C) = -4.5
20% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.96864 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 39.
  Freezing point (°C) = -10.5
30% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.95382 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 32.
  Freezing point (°C) = -20.
40% (wt.), solvent - water
  Dynamic viscosity (mPa·s) = 2.846 (20°)
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.94238 (10°)
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.93518 (20°)
  Index of refraction = 1.3583 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 28.
  Freezing point (°C) = -29.4

50% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.91384 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 25.
60% (wt.), solvent - water
  Dynamic viscosity (mPa·s) = 2.547 (20°)
  Density (g/cm3) = 0.8911 (20°)
  Index of refraction = 1.3638 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 22.
  Freezing point (°C) = -43.8
70% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.86766 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 20.
80% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.84344 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 18.
90% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.81797 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 16.
95% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.80424 (20°)
  Flash point (°C) = 14.
96% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.80138 (20°)
97% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.79846 (20°)
99% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 4°C = 0.79243 (20°)


0.80625 (0°C, g/cm3)
0.80207 (5°C, g/cm3)
0.79788 (10°C, g/cm3)
0.79367 (15°C, g/cm3)
0.78945 (20°C, g/cm3)
0.78522 (25°C, g/cm3)
0.78097 (30°C, g/cm3)
0.77671 (35°C, g/cm3)
0.77329 (39°C, g/cm3)
0.754 (60°C, g/cm3)

Refractive index (nD):

1.3611 (20°C)

Vapour pressure (Torr):

1 (-31.3°C)
10 (-2.3°C)
12.24 (0°C)
23.77 (10°C)
40 (19°C)
44 (20°C)
78.66 (30°C)
100 (34.9°C)
133.42 (40°C)
219.82 (50°C)
350.2 (60°C)
400 (63.5°C)
540.9 (70°C)
811.8 (80°C)
1186.5 (90°C)
1692.3 (100°C)
2359.8 (110°C)
3223 (120°C)
3800 (126°C)
7600 (151.8°C)
15200 (183°C)
38000 (230°C)


    pKBH+ (1) = -5.1 (25°C, water)
    pKa (1) = 18 (20°C, water)

    Permittivity (dielectric constant):

    25 (20°C)

    Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH (298 K, kJ/mol)

    -277,63 (l) [Ref.]
    -234,8 (g) [Ref.]

    Standard molar Gibbs energy of formation ΔfG (298 K, kJ/mol)

    -174,8 (l) [Ref.]
    -167,9 (g) [Ref.]

    Standard molar entropy S (298 K, J/(mol·K))

    160,7 (l) [Ref.]
    281,6 (g) [Ref.]

    Molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (298 K, J/(mol·K))

    113 (l) [Ref.]
    65,6 (g) [Ref.]

    Enthalpy (heat) of fusion ΔfusH (kJ/mol)

    5,02 (s) [Ref.]

    Enthalpy (heat) of vaporization ΔvapH (kJ/mol)

    42,3 (l) [Ref.]

    Enthalpy (heat) of solution ΔsolH (kJ)

    -11,195 (l) [solvent: water, 18°C, 1 mol in 200 mol of water] [Ref.]
    -10,7 (l) [solvent: water, 18°C, 1 mol in 100 mol of water] [Ref.]
    -0,3 (l) [solvent: water, 18°C, 1 mol in 0.28 mol of water] [Ref.]
    -1,7 (l) [solvent: water, 18°C, 1 mol in 1.7 mol of water] [Ref.]
    -8,2 (l) [solvent: water, 18°C, 1 mol in 10.2 mol of water] [Ref.]

    Heat of combustion (kJ/mol)

    1370,7 (l) [Ref.]

    LD50 (mg/kg):

    9000 (rats, oral)
    8000 (mice, oral)

    Critical temperature (°C):


    Critical pressure (MPa):


    Critical density (g/cm3):



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